Catherine Calder
 An original fine artist who can work in various mediums and styles. Requests from clients and commissions for work welcome.

Artist Catherine Calder

Cell: 0825665631


I am a fine artist and the mediums I work in are transparent water colour, acrylic, oil, pen and ink. I am inspired by the things I see around me in my daily life and want to bring enjoyment and pleasure to the viewers. The message in my work is positivity with direction to light, colour and the tone of the work bringing people out of depression into delight and fun emotions. Every time a potential buyer; an art viewer sees my work my desire is for them to be motivated in their personal walk and ambition in life. The hope I have in my work is to not only be recognised by the trained art community but the every-day person to get a grasp of what is meaningful.

In the future I see myself as an artist whose work is in demand because of good technical qualities, expertly skilled and wonderful carefully thought through compositions
